Human Resources and Special Projects » Human Resources Staff

Human Resources Staff

Kara Doviak

Phone: 201-775-6845
Email: [email protected]

Hi!  I'm here to help you. As the Supervisor of Special Projects, I have many roles and one of them is to answer all of your questions related to your employment, benefits, certification and with getting familiar with our district.

I have been with the Ridgefield Public Schools System for over  twenty-five years. I have held several positions since my start in the 1995-1996 school year. I began as a Learning Center Social Worker  and went on to hold the positions of Transition Coordinator and District Assistant. This is my tenth year as Supervisor of Special Projects.

I'm here to assist you with all of your Ridgefield School District needs. If I don't know the answer to your concerns or questions, I will work to get them for you.