We are in the process of updating our district webpage. Please contact your individual school if you have questions. Use the links at the bottom of the page to find other helpful information.
Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Alexander Anemone - [email protected] - (201) 945-7747
Assistant Superintendent/Director of Curriculum: Dr. Tamika DePass: [email protected] - (201) 945-7747
Director of Special Services: Ms. Pat Drimones - [email protected] - (201) 943-2682
RMHS Principal: Dr. Vickki Nadler: [email protected], (201) 945-4455
Slocum Skewes Principal: Mr. Timothy Yang - [email protected] - (201) 943-4299
Bergen Blvd School Principal: Mr. Peter Mastrangelo - [email protected] - (201) 943-1861
The Ridgefield Public School District, a diverse but unified community, provides high caliber education through the promotion of quality academic experiences, authentic civic engagement, and mastery of 21st century skills. The Ridgefield Public School District strives to be a highly regarded organization, acknowledged for its commitment to the growth and readiness of each and every student in order to ensure success in a challenging global society.